„Migrating Women and Social Roles”- Symposium

What traditional and gendered social roles “travel” with female migrants?

Do female migrants have opportunity to emancipate from traditional and gendered social roles, to negotiate them, to leave them behind?

What are the new social roles they gain when migrating?


We would like to discuss phenomena of female migration including Rhacel Parrenas’ perspective of inter-continental migration of domestic workers, Elisabeth Beck- Gernsheim and Urlich Beck concept of chain of care and Arlie Russel Hochchild concepts of women as managers of emotions.

Before the symposium we would like to invite you to have a look at UN WOMEN picture. What female social roles are in the center of your scientific interest?


The symposium will take place the 7th of March 2015 and will consist of two parts according the plan – part 1: 11:00-13:00 and part 2 14:00- 15:30.


The symposium "Migrating Women and Social Roles" is coordinated by PAR Migration Navigator Project funded by Norway Grants in the Polish – Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development. 

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